James Rushby: Derbyshire Men’s Winning County Week Campaign

What a County Week it was for Derbyshire Men! The team played five and won five to win Division 3. In this episode, Derbyshire Men’s Captain James Rushby takes a look back at what was a memorable week in Ilkley…

Please click the links below to listen to the podcast on your platform of choice!

APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/james-rushby-derbyshire-mens-winning-county-week-campaign/id1542036883?i=1000529957726

SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3Ke3tU1wum5bzctiSQJt9L?si=4d6b2f427d3c4ffc

AMAZON: https://music.amazon.co.uk/podcasts/b97bb6b3-d7c7-49e0-b9aa-76ea18b0a0d6/episodes/adf63369-fe0d-45c7-99f0-084a536fd06d/my-tennis-journey-james-rushby-derbyshire-men%E2%80%99s-winning-county-week-campaign

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