Learning topspin is easy with the TopspinPro!

TopspinPro: Why It’s My Favourite Tennis Innovation

I’ll come on to why I LOVE the TopspinPro below, but in short…

Want to learn topspin quickly and effectively?

Want to teach others to learn topspin quickly and effectively?

Want to practice at home and have an ace cardio workout?

If the answer to any of the above is YES - then invest in a TopspinPro! *

Now on to my review on why I love the TopspinPro…

I love gadgets and innovations so since becoming a full time coach I have amassed a lot of gadgets. That’s why I started the tennis gadgets section of this website!

The TopspinPro tennis training aid was one of the first I got and it is still my favourite.

Here’s why…

People sitting at home watching tennis have seen how hard players hit the ball at Wimbledon.

They think ‘I’d like to have a go at that’.

So they take to the court and nine times out of ten they try to hit the ball really hard.

What you could call WHACKING!

When players whack the tennis ball, they can’t control it and it goes over the fence and miles out the back.

The key to being able to hit the ball really hard and keep it in the court is topspin.

The ball can fly through the air with power but the topspin brings it back down inside the court.

That’s why professional tennis players use topspin.

Using the TopspinPro allows players of all ages to learn how to hit shots with topspin quickly and effectively. And that’s why the TopspinPro is my number one tennis gadget!

It’s a really clever device. It has a tennis ball mounted on a spring system. If you hit the ball using the whack shot it doesn’t turn. However, if you hit the ball using a topspin shape by brushing up the ball and up past the pads you see the ball on the TopspinPro spin and return to you.

This is a lot easier to demonstrate on video - so please do take a look at this short little video!

Another benefit of the TopSpinPro is that you need very little space to use it! I’ve found it great to use at home and in schools as well as the club I coach in.

Please do click the link if you’d like to buy a TopspinPro*- it’s an investment your tennis game will very much appreciate, At just over the £100 mark, I think it’s a bit of a bargain!

If you’ve already got one then please click this link to find out How To Set Up A TopspinPro.

If you have any questions on the TopspinPro please do drop me a line rob@serveandvolley.net

  • Just so you know, this is an affiliate link and I would get a commission if you bought a TopspinPro using this link.


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